Control4 is a leading provider of Home Automation Solutions which are innovative, intelligent, open and affordable. ZeeSense is an authorised and certified system integration partner to Control4.
With more and more smart electronics playing a central role in our daily lives, they deserve an even smarter role at home. Control4 has the mastermind solution, making it possible for virtually any appliance or device in your home to intelligently communicate with another—from locks to lights, doors to drapes—and you the ability to control them, no matter where you are.
Create the perfect movie ambiance in one touch. Tell your thermostat what to do from Thailand. Manage music in multiple rooms. Get a text when your teenager comes home. Control4 gives you flexible solutions to design the home automation system of your dreams on a very real budget.
Life's better when everything works together. This is your home with a brain. A genius idea, indeed. The following sections highlight the benefits of using Control4 products and technology.
Maybe you'd like to make the perfect ambiance possible in every room. Or perhaps you're just looking for a few easy ways to save energy. No matter what your intention, intelligent lighting with Control4 is always a bright idea. Here are just a few brilliant examples:
- Have the lights in the house turn on automatically to welcome you home
- Program the lights to go on at sunset and off at daybreak, or set them to replicate your normal usage pattern when you're out of town so it looks like you're home even when you're not
- Experience hands-free illumination when entering a dark hallway; motion sensors can make sure you never have to fumble around in the dark
- Turn the whole house off in one touch with a "Good Night" scene—some lights can go completely off as the kids' dim to 10%
- Program your lights to turn off automatically when a room is unoccupied for a certain amount of time
- Set your lights to a maximum level of 80%; your eyes won't notice the difference but your utility bill will!
Whether home theater means a cozy corner of your living room or a screening room with theater seating, you'll appreciate the flexibility of Control4 solutions when it comes to enjoying your favorite entertainment at home. Here are just a few examples of what you can do with Control4:
- Simplify your audio, video, and home theater components with one remote to control all
- Turn your television into an elegant interface from which you can access and control your entire home
- Access all movies in your multi-disc changer, iPod or NAS drive from one interface, and search by cover art
- Create a one-touch scene to lower the lights and shades, plus adjust the temperature to create the perfect ambiance for movie night
- With installation easier than you ever imagined, you can have the music solution of your dreams in just a few hours. Here are just a few examples that show how Control4 can bring music into every room in your house:
- Play music from multiple formats and sources, including radio, streaming music services, your iPod/mp3 player, an external hard drive or computer
- Choose to hear classical in the den, Blues in the kitchen, and rap in the teen's room - all at the same time
- A little peace of mind goes a long way. That’s why Control4 makes it easy for you to enhance the safety and security of your home in a number of ways, including:
- Receive email alerts based on security-related actions, e.g. garage door left open, the security system is triggered, a window is opened, etc.
- Assign temporary security codes for the times/days when service workers are at your house
- Use IP cameras to keep an eye on your home, no matter where you are
- Set controls to give the kids limited or no access to the TV or PlayStation 3
- Lock the whole house in one touch
- Access your security features from your mobile phone
- Program your lights to mimic your usual patterns to appear as if you’re home, even when you’re not
- sEmploy elder-care specific features including interactive communication via email and instant message to keep an eye on loved ones

- A connected home with Control4 means exactly that—you’re truly connected, even when you’re not there. Here are just a few examples of how our customers exercise anytime, anywhere control over virtually anything in their home:
- Online access to double-check your doors were locked—and an opportunity to lock them if you need to
- If the day turned out to be warmer than you thought, just sign in to your system from the Web and turn up the A/C so the house is cool when you get home
- Getting home a little later than you thought? Use the Control4 iPhone interface to turn on the porch lights and a few others in the house so it looks like you’re home
- Heading to the beach house for the weekend? While you’re sitting in traffic, you can turn on the A/C, crank up the hot-tub temperature and check the weather on the IP cameras
- If your water heater sprang a leak, you don’t need to come home to a basement full of water; your system will send you an email or text alert that the water sensor has been triggered so you can stop the flow before it becomes a flood
- It’s Tuesday after school and you get a text from your daughter: She forgot her house key—again. Just sign in to your system from your iPhone and unlock the door for her. No one in your weekly staff meeting ever has to know
With Control4, it's easy to take advantage of intelligent automation that contributes to a more comfortable home—and a more efficient planet. Here are just a few ideas:
- Program your shades and thermostat to automatically adjust for maximum energy efficiency based on the seasons, time of day or outside temperature
- Control your thermostat from any Control4 interface—even your iPhone
- Use dimmers, timers and occupancy sensors to reduce energy waste
- Use motion sensors to turn lights off automatically when rooms are unoccupied
- Program your pool and sprinkler systems to source water only during energy-efficient windows